Camping in the Masai Mara National reserve gives you a change to experience outdoor as you experience the wild. The Masai Mara is located in the south western region of Kenya. There is both public and private campsite here. The experience is not so different in both.
Comparison between public and private campsites
Most private campsite will require you to book early enough and pay a booking fees to use the facility while the public camping site, you will just walk in when you are ready.
There are about eight camping sites in the Masai Mara National reserve. 5 of this camping site are public while the other three are under the organization of operators. The three camping sites organize by an operator are: kampi ya mungu, kijito and kishanga.
Other campsites in Masai Mara reserve include Kiboko and Ndovu campsites. There is also a campsite available for tourists at Oloololo gate and at Serena hotel with facilities such as showers, toilets and great views of the plains of the reserve as well as protection of rangers.
Camping fees and charges
All camping site are charge according to different factors like nationality and duration and time of stay. Kenyans, East African and African citizens are not charged the same as the Europeans etc. Children are not charged in most cases. Students will also receive a discount.
Some of the camping site rent out equipment and you will have to pay for these as well. Some of the equipment include: a tent, folding foam mattress, table and chairs, cool box, gas tank and burner, cups, plates, bowls, cooking pots and frying pans, cutlery, cutting boards, headlights, solar table lamp among others. You can hire a cook if you need one.
Safety during camping
Camping is one of the safari activities that will give you the greatest adventure while not only in Masai Mara National reserve but also in Kenya in General. Camping gives you a chance to experience an outdoor safari with fresh breezes. Camping also reduces on your screen time and takes you away from the digital world. The biggest question about camping is how one keeps safe while camping since one would feel it is not as protected as the organized lodging facility. Here are some of the tips you can use to stay safe while camping.
Be aware of any risks around your tent
As you set up your tent, make sure you survey the surroundings. Avoid camping under big trees as branches can easily fall off and harm you. The birds also love these trees n their droppings may stain your tent. Look at the drainage as well. Avoid ditches and tents. Look out for ants and ant hills.
Bring plenty of food and water
Make sure you carry a lot of water and the distances from where you may camp and the water sources. Some camps have water but you may need to have drinking water as they may only provide water for showers and washing.
Be aware of the weather
Pack with a sense that it can be hot and rain in the next minute. The Masai Mara National reserve can be really hot during the day and temperatures will drop at night. Be mindful of the weather and make your research.
Have First Aid equipment available
You are at risk of many things including bites from insects and cuts. Make sure you have a first aid kid since the medical facilities may be far. You may need simple medical attention without necessarily going to hospital.
Know what services are available
Have map and know which services are available and where. Also know the service available at that camping site you are using. Sometimes the mobile cellular will not be available in some areas of the Masai Mara National reserve. Have a plan for evacuation for example. Charge you gadgets and use the battery sparingly since power will be rare.
Keep your eye out for wildlife
Use repellents to protect yourself from insects and other small flies. However make sure you have a counter plan against wildlife. Camping sites usually have rangers that will give you security and therefore, you will have less work to do here but you will have to be aware as well.
Visit Masai Mara in Kenya with these recommended Kenya tour operators or drop us an inquiry below to book your safari in Kenya directly through this website.