When the exploration of the wildlife here started, there was rapid loss of the wildlife. Over the last 70 years, Kenya has lost over 30 percent of its wildlife due to many factors. Some of the factors are due to climate change while others are to human activity ns poaching.
It is due to these factors that there have been efforts to set up conservancies in the area.
It’s interesting that’s over 65 percent of the wildlife in Kenya lives in the land owned by the community and this also helps most communities to earn a living while conserving the environment.
Giving the community control over Kenya’s wildlife conservation initiatives will also serve as a motivator to raise community members’ standard of living. The Masai Mara National Park contains more than 15 conservancies covering more than 450,000 acres of land. The community benefits from the conservancies annually to the tune of about $4 million.
The fauna has also improved, with the number of lions and the critically endangered Hirola antelope . They rose from 48 in 2012 to over 100 in 2016, the year of the most recent census.
The involvement of the community into the conservation efforts of the area also reduces their involvement into the illegal wildlife trade. They are made to earn on the good side of the wildlife trade which is tourism. You are advised to visit the conservancies in order to support the community. In turn you will also be supporting the conservation of wildlife in the Masai Mara area.
Olare Motorogi Conservancy
This conservancy was a s a result of joining of two conservancies: Olare Orok and Motorogi conservancies. The conservancy covers an area of about 33,386 acres. It’s a key zone in the migration zone of the Masai Mara. The conservancy partnered with over 290 and owners that offered to moved from their land to support the conservation efforts in this area. The locals where however allowed to carefully graze their animals within the premises of this conservancies. Rhinos and wild dogs have also been sighted, and it is becoming a very viable habitat for these two highly endangered species.
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